A conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) can have many impacts on your life in California. You may wonder if you can get a hunting license with a DUI. Generally, you can get a hunting permit.
However, a felony DUI conviction can prevent you from buying or owning firearms and other weapons. This restriction could make hunting more challenging. You can learn more about these regulations with a Los Angeles DUI lawyer.
Can You Get a Hunting License After a Misdemeanor DUI?
Generally, California allows you to secure a hunting license after a misdemeanor DUI conviction. In order to get a hunting license, you’ll have to have proof of hunter education and pay a fee to secure the license you want.
You’ll need to provide proof of your identity to receive your license. The state offers many choices, including deer tags and big game tags. You can review the eligibility requirements online.
Can You Get a Hunting License After a Felony DUI?
The state of California may allow you to purchase a hunting license even with a felony DUI on your record. However, the state restricts firearm ownership and purchases after a felony conviction, so you may have to adjust your expectations.
You have other options to hunt, however. You have to make your own decisions about whether or not to purchase a license with firearm ownership restrictions in effect.
Can Getting Your Charge Expunged Allow You to Own a Gun?
California’s legal codes restrict your gun ownership rights even if you get a felony DUI charge expunged from your record. Therefore, the professionals recommend working with an attorney to face these charges before a conviction.
You can perform a firearm eligibility check through California’s government to determine if you can legally own, use, or purchase firearms.
Other DUI Penalties Can Make Hunting Difficult
A DUI conviction in Los Angeles can impact your ability to hunt even if you can get a hunting license. For example, you may have a more difficult time hunting due to:
Restrictions on Your Driver’s License
A DUI arrest can result in a license suspension even before your trial. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can automatically remove your driving privileges unless you request an administrative hearing shortly after an arrest.
A conviction can increase the length of your suspension, sometimes resulting in losing your license for several years. A lawyer can explain the difference between an administrative suspension vs. a court suspension and help you deal with this penalty.
Generally, hunters must drive to reach the outdoor area where they want to spend the day. Therefore, a suspension can significantly reduce your ability to hunt.
High Fines
A DUI Conviction can result in high monetary fines. The cost to cover these fines can reduce the funds you have available to purchase your hunting license and gear. Meeting a DUI charge head-on can help you avoid these costs.
Some DUI convictions can result in incarceration, preventing you from moving forward with your life for a period of time. Fortunately, a DUI lawyer can assist you before a conviction, working to resolve your charges.
How Does a Lawyer Help After a DUI Arrest?
An attorney can assist with all your legal needs after a Los Angeles DUI arrest. Your lawyer will:
- Help you during legal questioning
- Advise you during your arraignment hearing
- Stand up for you during your bail hearing (if necessary)
- Help with your DMV administrative hearing
A lawyer will also focus on resolving your charges. Lawyers often take steps to get a client’s charges dismissed or reduced. For example, a motion to dismiss could get rid of DUI charges if a lawyer shows the prosecution has insufficient evidence.
Lawyers may investigate the facts around a DUI arrest, disputing the results of a blood alcohol content (BAC) test in many cases. They may also strive to show that police officers pulled over a client without due cause.
An attorney may review any plea bargains offered by the prosecution. These deals may reduce the charges you face but do not always work in your best interests. An attorney can also support you in court.
Speak to a Lawyer About Getting a Hunting License with a DUI
Can you get a hunting license with a DUI? Generally, yes, you can still hunt after a DUI conviction. However, if you have a felony DUI conviction, you may not buy, own, or use firearms, which may limit your options.
You can protect your ability to hunt by contacting a Los Angeles DUI lawyer immediately after an arrest. Resolving your charges before a conviction can help you avoid significant penalties, including fines, jail time, and a license suspension.
Find out more about your options with the resources we offer by calling or filling out our online contact form.